Black lump on hamster

Black lump on hamster

Tumours. Sometimes, odd lumps/masses can form on your hamster's body, which are typically caused by either tumours (benign/malignant) or infections (abscess). If you spot one, be sure to monitor the growth of the lump/mass. “If the Growth Doesn't Grow, We're Good to Go!”

Why does my hamster have a black bump?

MY daughter has noticed a black spot on either side of her two-year-old hamster. Is it cancer? ANSWER: Your daughter needn't worry as these spots are normal scent glands, called “hip” glands. They are not usually easily visible and the fact your daughter can see them means her hamster has recently lost some hair.

What does cancer look like on a hamster?

Symptoms of Tumors and Cancers in Hamsters

Visible skin growths. Depression. Decreased appetite. Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)

What is this black spot on my hamster?

The spots you describe are very likely to be the scent glands that both male and female hamsters possess. Hamsters use these glands to rub against objects in order to mark out their territory.

Why does my hamster have a bump?

There can be a number of reasons for these types of “lumps” being present on your hamster. The causes include benign or sterile cysts, infection, skin reaction, cancer or even a congenital condition.

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